Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just got back from the lab

Hello everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the last few days......
I apologize for the late posting again this month, but I have been tending to some nagging medical issues....nothing serious, just some needed maintenance!
As far as the iPad project,  I have now taken over 200 pictures and several videos!   I am so excited to use them in class.
Ken previously mentioned the connection for presentation use.......I too hope a decision  has been made so we are able to do this because I want to be able to present a picture of a culture with mixed bacterial flora ( as is normally what happens in a clinical specimen) and I will be able to use the zoom in real time from the iPad screen to focus in on the individual colony types for discussion.
 The pictures are just so clear.

I actually wrote this post before the start of the semester, but for some reason it would not load.  I am trying again today.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Well, I waited until today to meet my students to see if any met the criteria for my study and yes! I have several students in each class whose first language isn't English. Several students appear to be weak readers, which I concluded from having everyone read aloud from my "Notes to Students" (the class guidelines) and the syllabus. After I administer the diagnostic writing exams (on Wednesday), I'll know which students I'll invite to use the I-pad to learn to read with greater fluency. Lucky kids - they get to try the latest technology for learning.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Some useful Ipad settings

Having spent my summer jockeying my children to different summer activities and timing their use on the ipad. I have come to two conclusions: Summer activities are awesome and my girls' appetite for downloading games is voracious. I think giving them carte blanche to pick from the myriad of free games available to them may be an error.  I don't get it and really I don't care as long as they are free and appropriate for their age. Problem is, every time they want to download something, I have to stop what I am doing, read the reviews and make sure the content isn't improper (pardon the pun) and enter my apple id numerous times a day.  Good news? I don't have to do all this. There are some general settings help that I came across and thought I would share. Ipad parental controls and Ipad parental ratings.

But here is something that is helpful for the child-ful or child-free especially if you play games that allow in-app purchases. There has been a rise in-app games because the developers add in an easy way to make purchases inside the game itself. In fact this article indicates that in app transactions are responsible for 72% of app revenue.

As a recovering candy crush addict, I have stayed away from games on the ipad, but for those of you that are still able to handle a game or two I recommend turning this off in your settings.
Especially if you are bordering on not being able to help yourself or if you have small children using your device.  

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Hi! Ken, I am also an android user but have been enjoying this IPAD. As Lorraine mentioned and you did as well I enjoy the talkatone telephone feature. I also use Pages allot as well as bringing in documents from dropbox and cloudon. Working on projects, books, journal papers and a grant opportunity so this helps. I was at a (NG) Next Generation Manufacturing Conference and a Professor from Towson was using her IPAD to present with. She used it so professionally and efficiently,I was eager to start using and practicing that for my classes and presentations. She presented on the incredible lab she created for 3D Printing, where they have over 13 3d printers some dedicated to military applications, aerospace and so on...phenomenal presentation on that technology. I think she was using Keynote which is an great tool for that. I have been playing around with it. I have an issue since I wanted to use this IPAD in my MIS class with a virtual tool I have been using called mymislab but Pearson is not ready with the IPAD version yet, perhaps next semester according to my Pearson rep. I believe other professors use that tool in Math and Spanish I think?? I went to NorthEastern University today with my look for places where I can spend my money...anyway upon arrival and registration for our tour the area for this activity was populated with more that 50 IPADS or so it seemed for all of the students and parents to use, my son was able to scan his entry card and have immediate access to all site info...I liked it...thought most students liked it..the counselors where free to help the many others while the rest of us played..and searched. I have recently installed siriusxm thinking music could help..I have not done diligence with Skype like I should but there's plenty more time too. I plan on using this in my ERP class since I individually go up to each student in the lab and going back n forth to the console which waists time, we'll see how that works out..will keep you all posted. I have remote access to the server but will have to play around. I need to get my textbooks on here ASAP. I have been enjoying this IPAD, thanks.

Friday, August 9, 2013

No Service Need Something to Communicate with the Outside world

So I finally got to put to the test the Google Talkatone app because during August 4th through the 9th I was in Hamilton NY and my phone had no cell service. I was able to log into the app on my ipad and communicate with the outside world via telephone though. This came in handy because we had to immediately get an updated budget to the US Department of Education for the ASAP Grant that we have and I had to communicate via my ipad entirely. I was able to email back and forth with my assistant and then dictate to him what the conversation should be with the program officer which was easier then continually emailing him. I has to call him numerous times telling him what to do with the budget and how to modify it so that the budget cuts from the government funding could be included and the budget modifications for the current year could be included. It was later sent to the US Department of Education and approved. The only problem that I still have is not being able to manipulate the spreadsheets sent to me. I can't view the formulas or edit them in any of the free apps that are available. I will bring this issue to the CTLT coordinator again.

iPad to the rescue...sort of!

So I have done enough iPad bashing to prove I am an android guy.  That being said I will now say something nice about it.  I was recently stuck in a lab where my cell service was, let's just say, less then stellar.  I was able to still make a phone call to a vendor from the tablet under wifi.  The sound quality was excellent and the person on the other end had no issue hearing me.  Sure, I could have done this from an android device but I was impressed with the sound quality on the iPad.  I will say I think it might even be slightly better then the android I own personally.  Now if only I could figure out how to multitask on it I would be a happy man.  

My original idea of sharing this tablet in my class does not seem to be a possibility, unless I first remove my email.  I would not want to give a student a divide with my work email attached and not stand over them watching every little thing they do.  

I read a Blog post on this blog Bout using the iPad to present at meetings.  I wonder if they have made a decision about the use of the projector cable or Apple TV.  Either way I would love to see something in place before school starts up.

Lastly, I love the fact that I have my text books loaded on this device.  It means I will always have them with me for student questions and student help.  I love the fact that I do not have to carry 2 text books and a lab manual to and from school daily