Saturday, June 1, 2013

I am very excited to be a part of this iPad program.  Upon receipt , I downloaded many of the apps that I already had on my phone that relate to my teaching clinical microbiology classes such as the Centers for Disease Control(CDC).  I also began to investigate other apps that I may find useful in helping me achieve  my main goal of using my iPad to capture videos and pictures of clinical microbiology in practice.  I downloaded a few photo editing apps to get started.  I was excited to bring the iPad to the laboratory today and I was able to capture a few videos and some pictures. I then used the app to add some text to my photo.   Here is one of the images to share with you:
I am not crazy about the logo being applied to the picture, and the font doesn't seem to get large enough so  I will have to explore some more!  Overall though I am very happy with the clarity and detail of the image!  I will be able to create some very nice case studies for my students. 
That's all for now.......

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